Friday, November 18, 2016

November 2016 in the Powerhouse Burn

Well, work is largely done through the Powerhouse burn, thanks to Angeles NF's minidozer, Jim Richter's leadership, and the hard work of many volunteers from PCTA, Trail Gorilla regulars, and a few civic groups thrown in too. We're done for 2016, but currently the trail remains closed by the FS. Stay tuned for news on when it'll reopen!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Work continues in Section E

Jim Wolfe widening the trail against a rocky outcrop, 4/2/16
Trail Gorillas continue to make progress repairing the destruction caused by last October's localized storm. We worked again yesterday rebenching the trail in the Spunky - Down drainage above Green Valley.
We're currently nearing completion, with something like a mile of work remaining in the middle.
On the Powerhouse Burn, we are awaiting a FS / PCTA assessment to find out if we can get in this spring, and when that has happened we'll start announcing projects. Contact Section Chief Jim Richter to get added to his email list, richterj "at" .
Spunky Cyn project crew group photo, 3/21/16